The Eastbourne based charity, WayfinderWoman are taking over Eastbourne Town Hall on Friday 21 June for their inaugural Work and Well-being extravaganza! Running from 9.30-4.30 entry is free. The Assembly Hall will be full of stalls promoting different types of health and well-being whilst in the Court Room there’s a series of renowned speakers talking about staying healthy within the workplace.
Our guest blogger is Nicole Holden one of the team from Flexibility Matters. With flexible working hitting the headlines now Nicole gives you her top tips about how to stand out.
Our guest blogger is Dushana Pinfield who faced a dilemma that all working mums face: how to carry on working whilst giving her family the attention she thought they needed. Dushana decided to choose a creative way to solve her problem of getting her work-life balance right for her.
Our guest blog is from Tania Pieri. A talented singer, songwriter she also runs PA for creatives. Her blog deals with something that we all face at some time in our lives – being scared.Â
WayfinderWoman have their very first patron! Helen Greaves Warren is well-known in Eastbourne being a highly talented artist, designer, publicity officer for Sussex Guild and teacher.
Our guest blogger is businesswoman Hilary Fraser.With her years of experience  she has some great hints on something that can raise anxieties in all of us: networking.
Our guest blogger, Elizabeth, has a tale to tell which we all should heed about how one wrong decision can totally transform your life and work prospects. Some might find this too distressing but we believe it an important message to pass on.
WayfinderWoman is available for community talks in East Sussex, all year round, WI groups, Soroptomists, Lunch clubs etc. We offer talks about WayfinderWoman, the services we offer, as well as Heritage talks around our Women of Eastbourne exhibition, which was all about influential women in Eastbourne's past.
A Wonderful time was had at our Strictly Charleston fund raising event. The guests enjoyed good food and music, and had a good ole giggle learning the Charleston Dances, thanks to Yvonne Wright's School of Dance.
Quietly ensuring that no young woman misses her education because she has her period
Dare to Succeed!  Be the Change!  Be the Influencer!
Our guest blogger is Katie Day from RDPI. Katy has run a number of businesses in her career and is particularly keen to help women develop as leaders in their organisations. Katie has her own way of being inspired and is sharing that with us.
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