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We have lots of fun with our fundraising activities.  There is a core group where we come up with ideas and projects to raise money to keep the hub open but there are other individual projects which need their own fundraising efforts.

“What fun do I have with fundraising? Doing things I wouldn’t normally do, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, finding props for when events happen and most of all, when we’ve done what we’ve got to do sitting round, talking about the project, how it started as a seed and grew into a great event, with a glass of wine with the friends who have worked together.  Fundraising, volunteering, I definitely recommend it”.  Nicola

“I’m part of a wonderful small fundraising ‘committee’ – really a chance for us to get together over coffee and explore creative ideas.  There’s lots of laughter and enthusiasm and then we figure out how we’re going to put all our plans into action!  On the day we gather together with others to run them.  It can be frantic but it’s enormous fun and we get a great feeling of camaraderie as a result”.  Laura

Why not join our fund raising team? Click here to get in touch.

Our priority project

Save the mothers' support group

A pivotal support group that helps new mums cope with mild to moderate mental health issues is facing closure from 1 April budget cuts hits their funding and we need your help to save it.

We've stepped up and offered to host the support group for its weekly meetings as we're keen to fill this urgent need to provide a safe, welcoming space for women to share their experiences, receive peer support, and rebuild their confidence.

Cuts to funding means that none of the current staff support and funding for venues and equipment will be available. To do this, we need to raise £6,287 so we can make our meeting space safe and fit for purpose for mums, their babies and toddlers in the short term, and then pay for venues and equipment for long-term.

We're asking for donations large or small to help us achieve this via the donate button below. We're being supported by Eastbourne MP, Josh Babarinde OBE, who said, “This gap in services leaves women at risk of isolation, delaying recovery and impacting their wellbeing, confidence, and ability to return to work. The positive impact of this project will be far-reaching, ensuring that vulnerable women receive the support they deserve at a critical time in their lives.”

Please quote Support group when making your donation.

Boost your donation at no extra cost! Boost your donation by 25% with Gift Aid
You can boost your donation by 25% with Gift Aid - simply tick the opt-in Gift Aid box during the PayPal process.
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.

Donate Now
5% Target: £6287 Raised so far: £264

Our Supporters

National Lottery Community Fund
Mark Bishop - Plumbing and Heating
East Sussex VCSE Alliance logo
Please Donate